pcf grant winners

Logo & Brand Guide

By accepting a grant from the Philadelphia Cultural Fund you agree to acknowledge the Philadelphia Cultural Fund in all printed and digital marketing and collateral materials. This is important because it supports our advocacy efforts to maintain the City’s budget allocation to the Philadelphia Cultural Fund.

Acknowledgements must appear in two forms:
Written Acknowledgement
Philadelphia Cultural Fund Logo  

PNG versions of the logo can be downloaded below.

Email Camille Halsey at camille@philaculturalfund.org if you have trouble accessing the logos.

A written acknowledgement and our logo should appear on all print/digital/distributed materials such as signage, brochures, newsletters, and promotional materials, unless a specific event is 100% funded by another donor. The acknowledgment must appear as follows: “Support provided by the Philadelphia Cultural Fund.”A written acknowledgment and our logo should appear on your website; it should link to the Philadelphia Cultural Fund’s website.

For Donor Lists and DataArts:
Support from the Philadelphia Cultural Fund must be listed in the category of municipal or government grant in all donor lists disseminated by your organization, and in your DataArts profile.

DO NOT categorize a Philadelphia Cultural Fund grant as a foundation grant.

View the 2024 Grantee Guidelines Here