Frequently Asked Questions

We are an organization that conducts 100% of our programs in Philadelphia but our physical address is not in Philadelphia, are we eligible to apply?

No. The Philadelphia Cultural Fund’s annual allocation from the City of Philadelphia is generated from city taxes, eligible organizations must have their official place of business located in the City of Philadelphia as demonstrated by the address on the organization’s latest 990 filing, SMU|DataArts Philadelphia Cultural Fund Funder Report, website, letterhead, and printed public materials. The address of a staff member, board member, or volunteer, or that of a fiscal sponsor/parent organization, unless the official address of the organization, will not be accepted.

How do we apply with a Fiscal Sponsor/Parent Organization?
We are not a 501 (c) (3) organization.

All fiscal sponsors/parent organizations must be pre-approved by the Philadelphia Cultural Fund through an application process. If your organization currently has a fiscal sponsor/parent organization, please review the list on our website or contact the Cultural Fund to determine if your current fiscal sponsor/parent organization is pre-approved so you can move ahead with your application. 501(c)(3) nonprofits that wish to be approved as a fiscal sponsor/parent organization for the next Art & Culture Grant grant cycle must submit an application. Any questions, call 267-419-7641.

What is SMU|DataArts?

SMU|DataArts provides the cultural community, including funders, with consistent, reliable, comprehensive data on arts and culture nationally, and enables organizations to view trends in their data, benchmark themselves against peer organizations, and enhance their financial management capacity. The Philadelphia Cultural Fund (PCF), along with other funders across the nation, partners with SMU|DataArts, the provider of the Cultural Data Profile (CDP). PCF requires applicants to complete a Cultural Data Profile annually through the SMU|DataArts website. See About the Required SMU|DataArts Philadelphia Cultural Fund Funder Report also provided in the Application Tools section of the Eligibility and Guidelines to learn more.

How do we complete the required Philadelphia Cultural Fund (PCF) Funder Report?

How to Run a Funder Report (the content of this link is managed by SMU|DataArts) .See About the Required SMU|DataArts Philadelphia Cultural Fund Funder Report also provided in the Application Tools section of the Eligibility and Guidelines for more information.